Your New Puppy’s First Vet Visit – What to Expect
Your New Puppy’s First Vet Visit – We’ve all seen a holiday movie where the kids open a package topped with a big red bow and up pops the face of the cutest little tail-wagging bundle of puppy energy! It’s the perfect scene, but in the real world, you’re making...
Ear Mites – Tiny Pests, Big Problems for Your Pet
When you notice your cat or dog incessantly scratching their ears and shaking their head, it could be ear mites. Although ear mites are a very treatable condition, complications can arise if you wait too long to make an appointment with your veterinarian. What are ear...
Can Lawn and Garden Products Harm My Pet?
A beautiful, lush green lawn is something many of us prepare for every spring and strive to maintain throughout the summer. Lawn and garden products are much safer than they were 20 years ago, it’s still important to know how these chemicals/treatments can affect your...
Holiday Foods and Decorations That Are Harmful to Pets
Holiday Foods & Decorations That Are Harmful to Pets