
They say the most difficult part of owning a dog is saying goodbye. Seeing our beloved pets transition toward end of life- through old age or illness- is a grieving process. While making end of life decisions is never easy, delaying discussions and options may cause unnecessary suffering for your pet. End of Life Care for Pets: When It’s Time to Say Goodbye.

How do you know if your dog is dying? Recognizing these signs may indicate it’s time to speak with your veterinarian about compassionate end of life care.

1. Changes in energy: prolonged periods of extreme fatigue or lethargy
2. Changes in or loss of appetite
3. Loss of interest in toys, activities, or surroundings
4. Loss of bladder and/or bowel control
5. Changes in or labored breathing
6. Decreased thirst
7. Pale gums
8. Weight loss
9. Restlessness or displaying pain

While these symptoms don’t always mean your pet is nearing the end of life, significant changes in behavior and/or appetite necessitate a check-in with your veterinarian.

Although there is nothing easy about saying goodbye to our fur family, compassionate doctors and office staff can provide guidance, advice, and support throughout the process of palliative care or euthanasia.

We understand that your pets are a vital part of your family, that’s why you and your pets are an extension of ours. Our compassionate veterinarians and staff are here to answer your concerns and offer guidance to ease the pain of saying goodbye.

End of Life Care for Pets: When It’s Time to Say Goodbye

We are a family of pets, owners, and veterinary experts all dedicated to keeping your cherished pets comfortable and maintaining a quality of life.

Find us in Durham, NC at Durham Animal Hospital – 919.620.7387 – 4306 N. Roxboro St., Durham, NC 27704. You can also contact us at North Churton Animal Hospital – 919.644.7387 – in Hillsborough, NC if that location is more convenient for you.

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