
Summer means vacation, and what is a vacation without the entire family? Entire family should include the family


dog, and there is no reason why you cannot make arrangements to accommodate the furry family member. Be sure your dog is comfortable with change, naturally, or it may be wise to arrange a pet sitter. Here are some tips to make sure your vacation is not a complete disaster because of the dog.

As much as fun as it is not to have a plan for a vacation, taking an animal means you should plan. Be sure to plan on hotels that accommodate your pet. Be sure restaurants are also pet friendly. If there are parks around that do not allow pets – you will need to plan alternative activities. Look for outdoor attractions, trails and other pet friendly activities.

You would not leave home without packing everything you need for the family, and the dog is no different. This means food, water dish, leash, crate, toys and collar with up to date information including recent shots and contact information.

We expect certain manners out of our children in public, and the public expects the same for pets. Dogs and other furry companions are under even more scrutiny. Your dog is a reflection of you and your training. This means leashed, sitting or lying when appropriate and certainly no whining or barking at night in the hotel room.

More and more places are accommodating pets, and if your pet has impeccable manners, chances are you will get an invite to return. If you are not sure your pet can deal with the changes, people, smells and the sounds, it may be best to consider a dog sitter for the summer vacation.

In fact, this may be the topic for next month’s blog – be sure to check back!

For more information about this topic and more, please contact us today. We will be happy to give recommendations for reputable pet sitters in the area.

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